Help on job

The job exits with an unusual status code (1) and no output model is produced or intact no output is produced. Upon downloading the files and checking it was found that program exits with an error which is “IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/scratch/mobyle/jobs/DaReUS-Loop/G32317063632011/DaReUS_Loop/Candidates/data’”. Can you please let me know as to what is happening and what I am doing wrong.

The job id is present in the error message itself.


Session information:

  • id: S03521661808014
  • email: None
  • activated?: False
  • authenticated?: False

Job information:


Sorry for the delay. The error message was hidden deep, but it turns out that DaReUS-Loop cannot find any sequences with a close enough sequence profile (Jensen-Shannon score better than 0.4) . We will update the server in the coming weeks to give a clearer error message. I regret that DaReUS-Loop is not able to handle your protein.



[ marking the issue as “Solved”, because there is nothing else that can be done, unfortunately ]