Hello! I had submitted a modelling job on the server - “RPBS Web Portal”, which ended with the following error code -
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/service/DaReUS-Loop.py”, line 830, in
pdb_read = open(pdb_data, ‘r’).readlines()
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/scratch/mobyle/jobs/DaReUS-Loop/R12350686057091/DaReUS_Loop/Candidates/data’
This message was given in the “DaReUS-Loop.err” file generated from the job. I would be highly grateful if you could kindly provide guidance on what the error code might imply.
I submitted several other modelling jobs with the same pdb file which also ended with the same error, eg. “RPBS Web Portal” .
Thank You
Session information:
- id: B21127569020033
- email: None
- activated?: True
- authenticated?: False
Job information:
- id: RPBS Web Portal
- date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 11:40:12 +0000
- status: finished
- user error in parameter: None
- user error message: None