Dear support,
I have a PDB structure (PDB ID=7AAP), and my protein is missing some amino acids, when I look it up in PyMol. Therefore, I wan’t to use loop modelling (remodelling, as I have multiple loops). First I uploaded my pdb structure, after which I uploaded a fasta sequence, specifying the loop regions by lower-case amino acids. When I try to run the job, it won’t detect my input_pdb. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Session information:
- id: W07333111330986
- email: None
- activated?: True
- authenticated?: False
Job information:
- id: RPBS Web Portal
- date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 13:38:10 +0000
- status: submitted
- user error in parameter: None
- user error message: None