help on job

I have been continuously receiving 30 possible complexes (10 of each scoring method), but i know that in the past, you were able to receive 150 (50 of each scoring method). Is there some kind of way to receive 150 complexes or not? If it is possible, how do i do such thing?
Thank you for your time.

Session information:

  • id: A01581972620010
  • email: None
  • activated?: False
  • authenticated?: False

Job information:

  • id: RPBS Web Portal
  • date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 17:48:45 +0000
  • status: finished
  • user error in parameter: None
  • user error message: None

the problem is related to empty chain names in Protein A and Protein B structures.
By adding chain names, the job should run without errors.
Please also note that we have released an update of the server (InterEvDock3) where the job should also run fine when using an input with an added chain name.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please just let us know if you encounter any further issues after adding a chain name.